It's a good idea to have virtual memory switched off when watching the animation as this can affect playback. The animation may also run better from your hard drive rather than direct from the CD and, finally, try setting your monitor to 1000s of colours for better resolution.
The animation itself was created on a Performa 5260 with 12MB RAM. The software used includes Extreme 3D (Free with MacFormat 53) and Color It (Free with MacFormat 50). The animation wouldn't be possible without the help of QuickEditor and Moover (shareware included on MacFormat 51's cover CD. Latest versions (Quick Editor 1.4 and Moover 1.41 ) can be downloaded from the Internet.
Thanks once again go to my mate, Dave Topping who composed and played the midi music soundtrack for this episode. We used the shareware sequencer, Midigraphy , which at just $20 offers many excellent features.
Please write and let me know what you think! My address is down below.